Yoga: The Ultimate Starter Pack Guide

Image of an Indian temple. You can see the high arches. Under the arch in the foreground are two women in yellow flowing clothes, their heads covered. Under the arch in the distance is a women in a red saree.
Yoga comes from the exotic lands of India


Yoga, a practice that originated in ancient India, is a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline that aims to promote harmony between the mind and body. It encompasses a wide range of techniques, including physical postures, breathing exercises, meditation, and ethical principles.

History of Yoga

The roots of yoga can be traced back over 5,000 years, with some researchers suggesting it could be as old as 10,000 years. Initially, a meditative and spiritual practice, yoga has evolved over millennia to include a wide variety of styles and approaches, catering to people from all walks of life.

Benefits of Practicing Yoga

Engaging in regular yoga practice offers a myriad of benefits, including improved flexibility, enhanced strength, better posture, and reduced stress levels. It can also aid in alleviating chronic conditions such as back pain and arthritis.

Image of yoga accessories: A towel, yoga blocks, a round seating pillow and a head rest tubular pillow. They are all colored variations of pink. The seating pillow has a gold Om (Aum) symbol and lotus flower symbol on it.
High quality clothing and accessories can elevate your yoga practice

Yoga Products

Essential products can aid you in your yoga journey, ensuring comfort and safety as you practice.

Yoga Mats

Types of Yoga Mats: From PVC to rubber and cotton, yoga mats come in various materials, each offering different levels of grip and cushioning. Choose a mat that suits your personal preference and the type of yoga you intend to practice.

How to Choose a Yoga Mat: Consider factors such as thickness, material, and texture when selecting a yoga mat. It should provide adequate cushioning and be non-slip to prevent accidents during practice.

Yoga Mat Maintenance and Care: Regular cleaning and proper storage will ensure your mat lasts longer. Use a mild detergent or a specialized mat cleaner to keep it fresh and hygienic.

Front view of a red haired woman seated on a Zen Bear Yoga mat, eyes closed, smiling, making a mudra hand pose.
Quality yoga pants that fit your style will make your yoga practice more enjoyable

Yoga Clothing

  • Yoga Pants: Opt for yoga pants that offer a comfortable fit, allowing for a full range of motion without restricting your movements. Materials like cotton and spandex are popular choices.
  • Yoga Tops: Yoga tops should be breathable and wick moisture away, keeping you comfortable as you move through various poses.
  • Yoga Accessories: Enhance your practice with accessories like yoga socks and gloves that provide additional grip and prevent slipping.

Yoga Props

Yoga Blocks: These are essential tools for beginners and seasoned yogis alike, helping to provide support and aid alignment in various poses.

Yoga Straps: Straps can assist in reaching farther and holding poses longer, promoting better alignment and stretching.

Yoga Bolsters: Bolsters are used to support the body in various poses, facilitating deeper relaxation and comfort.

Yoga Studios

How to Choose a Yoga Studio

Choosing the right yoga studio is a personal journey that depends on a variety of factors including your individual goals, the style of yoga you wish to practice, and the kind of environment that nurtures your well-being. Start by researching local studios, paying attention to the qualifications and experience of the instructors. Consider the energy and vibe of the studio; a space with good natural lighting and a calm atmosphere can enhance your practice. Additionally, look into the variety of classes offered to ensure they align with your yoga goals. Many studios offer trial classes or introductory offers, allowing you to experience their offerings firsthand before making a commitment. Remember to choose a studio that feels welcoming, where you can envision yourself growing and flourishing in your yoga journey.

View from the back of the room of a yoga teacher teaching a yoga class with several students seated facing forward and paying attention
You can find a community of like minded people at a good yoga studio

The Importance of Energy and Space

A yoga studio’s energy can significantly affect your practice. Look for studios with good natural lighting, peaceful surroundings, and a clean, welcoming space. The studio should offer a sense of tranquility, helping you to focus and relax during your sessions.

We provide a curated list of renowned yoga studios globally, highlighting things like location, the types of yoga they specialize in, and if they offer retreats, workshops or one-on-one classes.

Virtual Yoga Studios

In recent years, Virtual yoga studios have surged in popularity, offering a flexible and accessible way to maintain a regular yoga practice from the comfort of one’s home. These online platforms provide a range of classes led by experienced instructors, catering to various skill levels and yoga styles. Virtual yoga studios often come equipped with features such as live classes, interactive sessions, and a library of pre-recorded classes that you can access at any time. This digital approach not only makes yoga accessible to a wider audience but also allows for a personalized practice that accommodates individual schedules and preferences, bringing the enriching experience of a yoga studio into your living space.

See below where we list several popular apps as well as virtual online platforms.

A bundle of sage bound by string is lit and burns in a person's hand. Behind toward the ground is a table with a salt lamp and plants.
Your home yoga studio can be your sanctuary

Starting Your Own Home Yoga Studio

If you don’t want to commute to a local studio or just want to practice in the comfort of your own home, you can setup your own studio in the serene peace of your home.

Start by choosing a quiet space with good natural lighting to foster tranquility and focus. Ensure the room is clean and decluttered, creating a serene environment that encourages relaxation and mindfulness. Invest in quality yoga essentials such as a good mat, supportive blocks, and comfortable clothing. Consider adding elements like plants or a small fountain to bring in a sense of nature and calm. Lastly, have a dedicated storage space for your yoga equipment to keep the area organized and inviting for daily practice. Remember, your home yoga studio is a personal sanctuary, tailor it to suit your preferences and needs.

Yoga Teachers

Famous Yoga Teachers and Their Contributions

Renowned yoga teachers have left an indelible mark on the yoga community. Their unique philosophies and the styles they introduced have shaped the yoga landscape globally. From B.K.S. Iyengar’s precision and alignment focus to Pattabhi Jois’s Ashtanga Vinyasa series, yoga has a rich history and diversity thanks to these iconic teachers.

How to Choose a Yoga Teacher

Choosing the right yoga teacher can significantly influence your yoga journey. Begin with considering the teacher’s experience and training; a well-qualified instructor can guide you safely and knowledgeably. It’s also beneficial to understand their teaching style; some teachers may focus on the physical aspects of yoga, while others might integrate meditation and spiritual teachings into their classes. Personal rapport is equally important; a teacher who resonates with you can enhance your learning experience significantly. Don’t hesitate to attend different classes and observe how various teachers conduct their sessions. Ultimately, choose a teacher who inspires you, supports your growth, and encourages you to explore your potential in the yogic path.

The Role and Responsibilities of a Yoga Teacher

A yoga teacher wears many hats; they are a guide, a mentor, and often a student themselves, constantly learning and evolving. Their primary role is to ensure the safety and well-being of their students, guiding them through various poses with clear and concise instructions. They foster a supportive and inclusive environment, where each individual feels seen and respected. A yoga teacher also helps students deepen their understanding of yoga, not just as a physical practice but as a holistic approach to well-being, incorporating aspects of mindfulness and meditation into their teachings. Their responsibility extends to nurturing the spiritual and mental growth of their students, encouraging a mindful approach to practice that transcends the mat and positively impacts everyday life.

Yoga Teacher Profiles

We offer reviews and profiles with experienced yoga teachers, providing insights into their yoga journeys and tips for practitioners.

Yoga Types

  • Hatha Yoga: A gentle introduction to the most basic yoga postures.
  • Vinyasa Yoga: A series of poses that flow smoothly into one another.
  • Ashtanga Yoga: A rigorous style of yoga that follows a specific sequence of postures.
  • Kundalini Yoga: A practice that combines postures, breathing exercises, and the chanting of mantras to awaken the Kundalini energy at the base of the spine.
  • Yin Yoga: A slower style of yoga where poses are held for longer periods to target the connective tissues.

The Benefits and Challenges of Each Yoga Type

Understanding the benefits and challenges of each yoga type can aid practitioners in choosing a style that aligns with their goals and physical capabilities. For instance, Vinyasa offers a dynamic flow that enhances strength and flexibility but might be challenging for beginners. In contrast, Hatha yoga is generally more gentle, focusing on holding poses for longer, which can be beneficial for building stability and alignment. Meanwhile, Kundalini yoga not only focuses on physical postures but also incorporates spiritual elements, offering a holistic approach that can be both rewarding and intense. By exploring the nuances of each yoga type, individuals can find a practice that resonates with them, fostering a fulfilling and sustainable yoga journey.

How to Choose a Yoga Type That Suits You

Choosing a yoga type that suits you involves a thoughtful consideration of your physical condition, personal preferences, and the goals you aim to achieve through the practice. It’s beneficial to explore different styles, perhaps starting with gentler forms like Hatha if you’re a beginner, and gradually trying more dynamic styles like Vinyasa or Ashtanga as you build strength and flexibility. Remember, the best yoga type for you is one that you enjoy and can practice on a regular basis.

Yoga Poses

Beginner Yoga Poses

Beginner yoga poses are designed to introduce new practitioners to the fundamentals of yoga, helping them build a solid foundation for their practice. These poses often focus on enhancing flexibility, building strength, and fostering proper alignment. Some popular beginner poses include the Child’s Pose, which promotes relaxation, and the Mountain Pose, which teaches foundational alignment. By starting with beginner poses, new yogis can gradually build up their confidence and ability, paving the way for a safe and sustainable yoga practice.

50 Must-know Beginner Yoga Poses

Intermediate Yoga Poses

Intermediate yoga poses build upon the foundations established in beginner practices, introducing a greater level of complexity and challenge. These poses often involve deeper stretches, more significant strength engagement, and maintaining balance in more intricate positions. Some well-known intermediate poses include the Warrior series, which builds strength and stamina, and the Triangle Pose, which stretches the waist and strengthens the legs. As practitioners progress to intermediate poses, they start to explore a wider range of movements and postures, enhancing their flexibility, balance, and overall physical capability, while also deepening their mindfulness and focus during practice.

Hard Poses Made Easy | Intermediate Yoga With Tara Stiles

Advanced Yoga Poses

Advanced yoga poses represent the pinnacle of yoga practice, requiring a high degree of strength, flexibility, and balance. These poses often involve complex sequences and transitions, deep backbends, and inversions, where practitioners hold themselves upside down. Examples include the Handstand, which demands strong upper body strength, and the King Pigeon Pose, which requires a deep opening of the hips and back. Engaging with advanced poses offers a deep sense of accomplishment and can unlock new levels of physical and mental potential. However, they should be approached with caution, ensuring a gradual progression and attentive practice to prevent injuries.

A woman is doing the Reverse Warrior yoga pose, or Viparita Virabhadrasana. Her right leg is forward and slightly bent, her left leg is back and straight. Her right arm is reaching to the sky while her left hand is behind her parallel to her left leg.
A woman doing the Reverse Warrior yoga pose, or Viparita Virabhadrasana

Yoga Poses for Specific Purposes

  • Yoga for Back Pain: Yoga for back pain focuses on gentle stretches and strengthening exercises to alleviate discomfort and promote spinal health. Poses such as the Cat-Cow stretch, which encourages mobility in the spine, and the Child’s Pose, which helps to relax the lower back, can be particularly beneficial. It is always recommended to consult with a healthcare provider and to work with a knowledgeable yoga instructor to ensure that you are practicing safely, especially if you are experiencing chronic back pain.
  • Yoga for Flexibility: Yoga for flexibility involves a series of stretches and poses designed to improve the range of motion in your joints and muscles. Poses such as the Forward Bend, which stretches the hamstrings and lower back, and the Pigeon Pose, which opens up the hips, are often incorporated into flexibility routines. Regular practice can gradually enhance flexibility, aiding in the prevention of injuries and improving posture and movement in daily life.
  • Yoga for Strength: Yoga for strength focuses on building muscle tone and enhancing physical stability through a series of poses that require sustained muscle engagement. Poses such as Plank and Chair Pose are fundamental in building core and lower body strength, respectively. Additionally, poses like the Warrior series not only build leg strength but also improve balance and stability. Incorporating strength-building yoga poses into your routine can foster a strong and resilient body, aiding in the prevention of injuries and promoting overall physical well-being.

Safety Tips for Practicing Yoga Poses

When practicing yoga poses, it is paramount to prioritize safety by maintaining proper alignment to prevent injuries. It’s advisable to listen to your body and not push beyond your limits, and to always warm up properly before engaging in more advanced poses.

Yoga Teacher Training

What is Yoga Teacher Training?

Yoga teacher training is a structured program designed to equip aspiring yoga instructors with the necessary knowledge and skills to teach yoga effectively. These programs delve deep into the intricacies of yoga, including the study of yoga philosophies, anatomy, teaching methodologies, and hands-on practice in leading classes. Beyond preparing individuals to become teachers, these training programs often foster personal growth and a deeper understanding of yoga as a holistic practice. They create environments where like-minded individuals can come together to learn, share, and grow on their yoga journey, setting a solid foundation for a fulfilling career in yoga teaching.

How to Choose a Yoga Teacher Training Program

Choosing a yoga teacher training program involves considering the curriculum’s depth, the instructors’ expertise, and the training’s duration. Ensure the program is accredited and covers essential areas like yoga philosophy, anatomy, and teaching methodology. It’s also beneficial to choose a program that resonates with your yoga style and career aspirations.

The Process of Becoming a Certified Yoga Teacher

Yoga Alliance logoBecoming a certified yoga teacher involves completing a Yoga Alliance accredited training program, which includes a specified number of hours covering yoga philosophy, anatomy, teaching techniques, and practical experience. After successfully completing the training, aspiring teachers must pass assessments to demonstrate their understanding and skills. Once certified, they are equipped to teach yoga professionally, adhering to a high standard of knowledge and expertise.

Tips for New Yoga Teachers

New yoga teachers should focus on continuous learning and personal practice to hone their skills. Building a supportive community and networking can aid in career growth. Being patient and receptive to feedback is vital, as is cultivating a personal teaching style that resonates with their philosophy and personality, ensuring a fulfilling and authentic teaching journey.

Additional Resources

Yoga Books and Literature

For those that want to deepen their understanding of yoga, yoga books can be incredibly enriching. Here are some categories and titles to consider:

  • Yoga Philosophy
  • Personal Narratives
    • “Light on Life” by B.K.S. Iyengar shares personal insights and the journey of a yoga legend, offering readers a deeper understanding of the holistic benefits of yoga.
    • “The Wisdom of Yoga” by Stephen Cope explores the experiences of modern yoga practitioners, intertwining personal narratives with yogic philosophies.
  • Guides and How-tos
    • “Light on Yoga” by B.K.S. Iyengar is a seminal text offering detailed descriptions and photographs of a wide variety of poses and breathing techniques.
    • “The Key Poses of Yoga” by Ray Long serves as a fantastic resource for understanding the biomechanics of yoga poses, offering detailed anatomical illustrations to help practitioners optimize their alignment and avoid injury. It is a great companion for both yoga teachers and students looking to deepen their understanding of the physical aspects of yoga.
  • Meditation and Mindfulness
    • “Wherever You Go, There You Are” by Jon Kabat-Zinn introduces readers to the practice of mindfulness meditation, offering practical advice on incorporating mindfulness into daily life.
    • “The Miracle of Mindfulness” by Thich Nhat Hanh provides a gentle introduction to mindfulness practices, with simple exercises to help readers cultivate a mindful approach to life.

Whether you are a beginner looking to understand the basics or a seasoned practitioner aiming to deepen your knowledge, the world of yoga books and literature offers a rich resource to aid you on your journey.

Yoga Podcasts and YouTube Channels

For auditory and visual learners, we will list some popular yoga podcasts and YouTube channels that offer a wealth of information on yoga practices, interviews with yoga experts, and guided sessions.

  • Podcasts
    • The Yoga Girl Podcast: Hosted by Rachel Brathen, this podcast covers a wide range of topics including yoga, mindfulness, and holistic health.
    • YogaLand: This podcast by Andrea Ferretti offers deep conversations with yoga leaders, offering insights into yoga practices, trends, and more.
    • The Dharma Talks: Hosted by Henry Winslow, this podcast brings in various yoga practitioners and professionals from around the world, offering deep insights into the practice and philosophy of yoga, as well as discussions on the business side of being a yoga instructor.
  • YouTube Channels
    • Yoga With Adriene: Adriene Mishler guides viewers through yoga practices suitable for all levels, with a friendly and approachable style that has garnered millions of followers.
    • Boho Beautiful: This channel, hosted by Juliana Spicoluk and Mark Spicoluk, offers yoga and Pilates classes, guided meditations, and mindfulness content, encouraging a holistic approach to well-being.
    • Sarah Beth Yoga: Sarah Beth offers a wide variety of yoga routines categorized by length, style, and focus area, making it easy for viewers to find a practice that suits their needs and schedule. Her channel also features prenatal yoga series, making it a great resource for expectant mothers.

Yoga Apps And Online Platforms

In a world where technology meets well-being, yoga apps have emerged as a convenient tool to facilitate regular practice. Here, we explore some popular yoga apps that you might find beneficial:

  • Yoga Studio by Gaiam: This app offers a wide range of classes suitable for all levels. Users can customize their practices by selecting the duration, level, and focus of their session, making it a versatile choice for personalized yoga routines.
  • Down Dog: Known for its customizable features, Down Dog allows you to tailor your yoga practices according to your needs. With a vast library of yoga practices and a new practice every time you log in, it ensures a fresh and varied yoga experience.
  • Daily Yoga: This app offers a rich library of more than 500 asanas, 200 guided classes of yoga, pilates, meditation, and 50 workout plans. Its community feature also allows you to connect with other yogis around the world.
  • Glo: Glo provides access to thousands of yoga, meditation, and Pilates classes led by expert practitioners. The app allows you to download classes and practice offline, making it a great option for on-the-go yoga.
  • Simply Yoga: A great app for beginners, Simply Yoga offers basic yoga routines with detailed video guides, helping new practitioners build a strong foundation in yoga.
  • Yoga Workout: This app combines yoga with fitness routines, offering a range of workouts that incorporate yoga poses to help you build strength and flexibility while burning calories.
  • Pocket Yoga: Pocket Yoga comes with detailed voice and visual instructions to guide you through each pose and every breath. It offers a variety of difficulties and durations, making it a flexible choice for practitioners of all levels.
  • 5 Minute Yoga: Ideal for those with a busy schedule, this app offers quick yoga sessions that can be easily incorporated into your daily routine, helping you to stay active and mindful even on hectic days.

In addition to the yoga apps mentioned earlier, there are several online platforms that have garnered a reputation for offering quality yoga classes and resources.

  • YouAligned: While I don’t have specific details on “YouAligned,” it is always recommended to check the latest reviews and possibly try out any free content or trials they offer to get a feel for their offerings.
  • Yoga International: A well-established platform offering a vast library of classes, workshops, and articles catering to yogis of all levels. Yoga International is known for its diverse range of yoga styles and experienced instructors, providing a rich resource for deepening your practice.
  • Obé Fitness: This platform offers a wide variety of fitness classes, including yoga. Obé Fitness is known for its vibrant and energetic classes, which are designed to bring the joy and fun of a group fitness class into your living room.
  • Yoga Download: Offering a wide range of yoga classes that you can download and keep forever, Yoga Download allows for a customizable yoga experience. It offers classes for all levels and styles, giving you the freedom to practice wherever and whenever.
  • Alo Moves: Brought to you by the popular yoga and fitness brand Alo Yoga, Alo Moves offers a wide range of classes led by world-class instructors. The platform features yoga, fitness, and mindfulness classes, allowing for a holistic approach to well-being.

Each of these apps and online platforms brings yoga into your daily life with ease, offering a range of features to suit different preferences and needs. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, these apps can aid you in cultivating a regular yoga practice.

Yoga Retreats and Workshops

For those looking to immerse themselves in a deeper yoga experience, attending a yoga retreat or workshop can be a transformative experience. Here, we highlight some renowned retreats and workshops around the world:

  • Bali Spirit Festival (Ubud, Bali): An annual celebration of yoga, dance, and music in the spiritual surroundings of Ubud, Bali. This festival offers a rich array of workshops and classes led by world-renowned instructors.
  • Yoga Barn (Ubud, Bali): A popular retreat destination offering a range of yoga classes, workshops, and teacher training programs in the picturesque setting of Bali.
  • Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health (Massachusetts, USA): This center offers a variety of yoga retreats and workshops, focusing on holistic health and well-being. It is a great place to deepen your yoga practice and learn from experienced teachers.
  • Yogaville (Virginia, USA): Home to a diverse range of yoga workshops and retreats, Yogaville offers a serene setting to deepen your practice and connect with like-minded individuals.
  • Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat (Bahamas): This retreat offers an authentic yoga experience with a daily schedule of yoga classes, meditation sessions, and workshops in a beautiful beachfront location.
  • Yoga on High (Ohio, USA): Known for its teacher training programs, this center also offers a range of workshops and retreats focusing on different yoga styles and holistic health practices.
  • Wanderlust Festivals (Various Locations): These festivals, held in different locations around the world, bring together yoga enthusiasts for a celebration of yoga, music, and wellness, offering a range of classes and workshops led by top instructors.

Whether you are a beginner looking to learn from the best or an experienced practitioner seeking to deepen your practice, these retreats and workshops offer a rich and diverse range of experiences to enhance your yoga journey.


Yoga is more than just a physical practice; it is a holistic approach to well-being that encompasses the mind, body, and spirit. Through regular practice, you can reap benefits such as improved flexibility, enhanced strength, and a calmer mind. Moreover, the yoga community offers a space of connection and growth, where you can learn from experienced teachers and like-minded peers.

As you navigate through the different aspects of yoga, remember that the journey is personal. It is about tuning into your own body and needs, and cultivating a practice that nurtures your well-being. Whether through reading enlightening books, attending workshops, or simply rolling out your yoga mat at home, there are endless opportunities to explore and grow in the yoga landscape.

Pink neon sign that reads Breathe against a wall of foliage

We encourage you to utilize the resources mentioned in this guide to carve out a path that resonates with you. Be it finding the perfect yoga mat, choosing a yoga type that suits you, or exploring the world of yoga digitally through apps and online platforms; you have a plethora of information at your fingertips to guide you.

As you embark on or continue your yoga journey, remember that every step is a progression towards a healthier, happier, and more harmonious self. Embrace the journey with an open heart and a curious mind, and witness the transformative power of yoga in your life.


Om (Aum) symbol

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